
Monday, 24 February 2014

Preparing for Spring

I don't think theres a person around that doesn't appreciate the signs of spring. The earthy smell as snow melts, listening to the eaves dripping, feeling the suns warm rays earlier every day! Well, those lovely signs of spring haven't happened yet, but that's ok for now because as soon as they do, the work begins. This year, starting seedlings indoors, incubating chicks and tapping trees for maple syrup all collide at the same time. I cant deny that Im looking forward to it though. In the last few weeks before the thaw starts, Ive got to finish the last of my sewing projects (curtains for the chicken coop, my spring jacket), my knitting projects (a pair of adult slippers, baby slippers and a couple more dishcloths), purchase some new pails for collecting sap, finish the trim work on the chicken coop and do the last of my garden planning - to name a few. My wish list for this year also includes a couple muskovi ducks on the pond and a pig with a pen - both of which will probably be put off till next year, seeing that my garden is priority this year. The seed order will be in any day and when the weather is warmer, my 2 cherry trees and my strawberry plants will be shipped as well. I have been priveledged to have a smorgasbord of exquisite meats in the past couple weeks, supplied by my farming neighbours, including 2 plump tame partridge, a buff Orpington rooster, and 2 pheasants! The partridge were once again oven roasted with bacon fat, garlic and rosemary. The rooster will be turned into honey garlic chicken pieces and the pheasants will be roasted with an orange glaze. We eat altogether too well! Enough of the blogging and on with the projects, spring will "sprung" before we know it.

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