
Friday, 16 May 2014

Letting the Cows Out!

Now that the weather is warmer and the grass is green, most of the cows stay outside all the time. That left the barnyard empty yesterday. So, we let my little Holly outside for a rip. She was pretty tentative at first, but then she absolutely loved it! She raced around and around the barnyard, happy as a lark. She held her little tail high up in the air! She hadn't been allowed outside before now because her horn wounds are still quite sensitive and healing. But the yard was empty, we closed the gates so she couldn't get out anywhere. After about 5 minutes of just running, she slowed her pace and started snooping around everywhere! She was so curious. I think the poor thing was getting bored in her pen. This doesn't mean that she will go outside every day now, but at least we know she loves it (who doesn't love it outside?)!

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