
Monday, 1 December 2014

Rabbit Update

A big project we took on this fall was building new rabbit cages for the winter. I knew I couldn't leave them outside, so that left the garage or the garden shed. Since everything is already out at the garden shed, that's where we elected to put them. We did some rearranging and measuring and started on our cages. We did 2 cages at 4'x2'x2' that stack onto of each other. We made the back and the two sides from 1/4" plywood. and the front is 1x1 cage wire. The bottom of the cage is 1/2"x1" cage wire  and beneath that is a drawer where the rabbits poop and pee all falls through. One of the plywood sides opens entirely as a door. We built 2'x1'x1' fully enclosed plywood "nest" boxes, with a door for extra shelter on colder days. Im really glad we built them with the drawers beneath, it makes for such easy cleaning. Just slide the drawer out, empty it and replace the bedding. Both the rabbits are healthy and growing. Their temperaments are so nice. Burgess has to have a good head massage every day. Marigold is a really nice rabbit, but she's so curious. She tosses her water dish around, she still spills her food and she loves to chew whatever she possibly can, particularly my mitts. My only big beef is running back to thaw the rabbits waters. It means checking and replenishing their water about 3 times daily. But for such nice critters Im glad to do it :)


1 comment:

  1. Jessica from Skootamatta Rabbitry1 December 2014 at 10:56

    Wow, good job! The cages and rabbits look great! Can't wait to see the babies in the Spring! They are a great combination of breeds.
